Champagne Chavost

Chavost Solera Ratafia Champenois NV


Producer, Champagne Chavost

Region, France\Champagne\

Alcohol, 18.5

Varieties, White

Closure, Cork


Food pairing,


  • Chardonnay

Chavost Solera Ratafia Champenois NV

Grab a glass of Chavost Solera Ratafia Champenois and you're in for a treat that's off the beaten path. This isn't just another wine; it's ratafia – a traditional sip that's part wine, part spirit, and all intrigue. Crafted using the solera system, it's layered with flavors from different years, creating a taste that's complex, nutty, and just the right amount of sweet. Think caramelized fruit meeting a dash of spice. It's the kind of drink you pull out when you want to impress without going overboard – or when you're simply in the mood to indulge in something a little different.

ALC. VOL 18,5%