Dr. Loosen
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Dr. Loosen - DR. LO Riesling Alcohol-Removed Riesling Mosel NV


Producer, Dr. Loosen

Region, Germany\Mosel\


Varieties, White

Closure, Cork

Character, Fruity and balanced

Food pairing,


  • Riesling

Dr. Loosen - DR. LO Riesling Alcohol-Removed Riesling Mosel NV

Dr. Loosen presents the DR. LO Riesling Alcohol-Removed Riesling Mosel NV, a truly unique offering in the world of wine. What sets this Riesling apart is its natural 0% alcohol content, making it an ideal choice for various occasions.

Whether you're savoring a glass for yourself or sharing it with friends who prefer non-alcoholic options, DR. LO Riesling provides a delightful and authentic Riesling experience without the alcohol. Its crisp and vibrant flavors are perfect for a blind-tasting session with your wine enthusiast friends, offering an intriguing twist on the traditional wine experience.

Enjoy the pure essence of Riesling without the alcohol content.