Charles et Dominique Frey
Organic Biodynamic

Charles Frey 'Macération' 2022


Producer, Charles et Dominique Frey

Region, France\Alsace\

Alcohol, 12.5

Varieties, White

Closure, Cork

Character, Dry and Nutty

Food pairing, Duck, Goose and Game Birds


  • Gewurztraminer
  • Muscat

Charles Frey 'Macération' 2022

Dubbed by some as 'orange Riesling,' this delightful blend leans heavily on Gewurztraminer (95%) with a touch of Muscat (5%), making it a floral powerhouse that captivates with every sip. Picture this: lychee and roses dancing around your nose, while the palate is treated to a rich, dry surprise that lingers long after your last sip.