
Clarisse de Suremain Chorey-les-Beaune 2019


Producer, Chorey-lès-Beaune

Region, France\Burgundy\Cote de Beaune

Alcohol, 13.0

Varieties, Red

Closure, Cork

Character, Savory and Classic

Food pairing, Duck, goose and game birds


  • Pinot Noir

Clarisse de Suremain Chorey-les-Beaune 2019

Chorey-lès-Beaune is a wine-producing village in the Côte de Beaune sub-region of Burgundy. The wines are predominantly red, made from around 125 hectares (309 acres) of Pinot Noir vines. However, there is a small but increasing quantity of white wine being made under the appellation, from Chardonnay.

Located near the historic town of Beaune (the name of the village actually means Chorey near Beaune), the vineyards sit on the plains below the Côte d'Or escarpment and thus qualify only for the lower tiers of the appellation system.

Deprived of the increased sunshine levels and drainage enjoyed by the vineyards on the slopes above, the vines here struggle to ripen with the same reliability. Consequently they tend to produce lighter, rather simpler wines.